Ringing in the Ears Isn’t the Only Facet of Tinnitus

Ringing in the Ears Isn’t the Only Facet of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a really prevalent medical condition. Tinnitus can become so extreme that it becomes a burden to live with for about 20 million individuals worldwide. And there are also more common presentations of tinnitus which are a lot more mild and sporadic and are also easier to deal with. Tinnitus occurs when you hear […]

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Is Your Tinnitus Being Caused by Your Environment?

Is Your Tinnitus Being Caused by Your Environment?

Tinnitus is an incredibly common condition of the ear. It’s one of the most prevalent health conditions in the world with some estimates indicating that up to 10 percent of the population experiences it at one point or another. Although the most common manifestation of tinnitus is a phantom ringing or buzzing in your ear, […]

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Tinnitus May be Invisible but its Impact Can be Substantial

Tinnitus May be Invisible but its Impact Can be Substantial

In the movies, invisibility is a powerful power. The characters can frequently do the impossible if they have the power of invisibility, whether it’s a spaceship with cloaking ability or a wizard with an invisibility cloak. Unfortunately, invisible health conditions are no less potent…and they’re a lot less fun. Tinnitus, for instance, is a really […]

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Concussions & Tinnitus: What’s the Connection?

Concussions & Tinnitus: What’s the Connection?

You Know when you’re viewing an action movie and the hero has a thunderous explosion nearby and their ears start ringing? Well, guess what: that probably means our hero sustained at least a mild traumatic brain injury! To be sure, brain injuries aren’t the bit that most action movies focus on. But that ringing in […]

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Those Late Night Bar Visits Could be Increasing Your Tinnitus

Those Late Night Bar Visits Could be Increasing Your Tinnitus

Remember the old tale of Johnny Appleseed? In elementary school, you may have been taught that he migrated across the United States, bringing the gift of nourishing apples to every community he paid a visit to (you should eat apples because they’re good for you and that’s the moral of the story). That’s only partially […]

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